The aim of the SPO-CRAM project is to create a prototype of an intelligent IT tool to support the decision-making process when assessing the prospects for recovery of selected critical metallic raw materials (CRMs) from zinc and lead metallurgy (Zn-Pb) slags. The program will be integrated with an open database containing descriptive data and the contents of metals and basic components in slags.
The proposed tool will integrate data on the contents of selected metals in slags with the results of research on recovery and economic aspects. The developed program will enable:
- a quick assessment of the prospects for using slags from Zn-Pb metallurgy for the recovery of metals/CRMs, a reduction of costs involved in preliminary testing of prospective slag raw materials,
- shortening the time needed to make decisions about slag recovery „from idea to implementation”,
- a reduction of the risk related to taking “wrong” decisions and incurring high associated costs.
The project was divided into 4 main task blocks
Task 1PL Development of selection criteria and screening of slag waste from Zn-Pb metallurgy
Task 2PL Selection and application of physicochemical methods for the recovery of selected metals and CRMs from slag waste
Task 3PL Development of a decision-making tool to support the selection of optimal methods for recovery of selected metals and CRMs from slag waste
Task 4PL Verification of the functionality of the decision-making tool based on survey data