Project SPO-CRAM

Potential Of Slags From Polymineral-Zn-Pb Ore Metallurgy As Source For Recovery Of Selected Metals and Critical Raw Materials

Program Name and Competition Number

1st competition under the INNOGLOBO Program

Project Name

Potential Of Slags From Polymineral-Zn-Pb Ore Metallurgy As Source For Recovery Of Selected Metals and Critical Raw Materials.

Project Goals

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Budget and Funding

Project co-financed/financed by The National Centre for Research and Development under the INNOGLOBO program
The value of the funding is 1,048,282.88 PLN

Project Partners


Meeting of the SPO-CRAM project partners

On March 28 – 30, 2023, a meeting of the SPO-CRAM project partners was held at the headquarters of the Belgian partner SPAQUE. During the meeting, partners discussed the following issues: Moreover, GIG presented the Institute’s activities in the field of circular economy, and SPAQUE presented the SMARTIX tool developed as part of the NWE-REGENERATIS […]

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